How to configure Linear integration with Screenpresso?

Click the settings button at the top-right of the workspace window and click on Settings:

Screenshot of Screenpresso settings menu

Click the Sharing tab then click the Linear button:

Screenshot of Linear button

Click the Request Pin button:

Screenshot of Linear settings

Your web browser opens. Follow the instructions to authorize Screenpresso to connect to your Linear account.

Copy paste the display string from your web browser to Screenpresso.

Screenshot of Linear authorization

Click OK button. The information about your Linear account are displayed.

Click OK and OK to close settings.

Select one or multiple medias in the workspace

Click the Publish button then click the Send to Linear button.

Screenshot of publish button

Provide the information about your issue

All fields are not mandatory. The filenames in the description field can be moved and will be replaced by Screenpresso with the corresponding medias.

Screenshot of Linear issue

Click the Send button.

The issue has been create and the URL is automatically copied to the clipboard.

You can click the URL to open it.

Screenshot of Linear result

Screenshot of Linear page

At any times you can retrieve all created issues using the history

Screenshot of publish history


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